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ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “László Martinovich” ,找到相关结果约251807条。
Climatic and economic parameters of the grape-wine simulation model
Károly Szenteleki,Diána Sidlovits,Csaba Horváth,László Martinovich
Agrárinformatika Folyóirat , 2011,
Abstract: The reliability of grape-wine product line models is depending mainly on the accuracy of the parameter estimations based on experts’ opinion. However, model parameter estimations can be based also on newly developed climatic data bases as well as other information systems concerning product lines. In this study we introduce a grape-wine simulation product line model with a new data base system of climatic parameters organized spatially for grape growing sites. The presented development plan makes a proposal for creating and maintaining an “Integrated Information System in the Grape-Wine Sector” (VINNET) that enables an easier, more effective and more cost efficient collective platform leaning on the current systems. The system can serve a more accurate estimation of economic parameters that are necessary for simulation modelling.
Ankle-Foot Continuous Passive Motion Device for Mobilization of Acute Stroke Patients  [PDF]
Csilla Vér, Gergely Hofgárt, László Menyhárt, László Kardos, László Csiba
Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation (OJTR) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/ojtr.2015.32004
Abstract: Purpose: To develop a continuous passive motion (CPM) device for the passive motion of the paretic ankle-foot and investigate the effect of continuous passive motion of bedridden, hemiparetic acute stroke patients. Methods: 49 patients with stroke were investigated. Results in stroke patients (device group) were compared with those of 15 control subjects (manual group) also with stroke but not treated by device. The period of the treatment was 7 days; the duration was 30 minutes per day by CPM device in the device group. The efficacy of the device was evaluated by scales used in the clinical routine (6th item of National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS), modified Rankin Scale (mRS)). Ankle’s passive range of motion (PROM) and flexible equinovalgus deformitiy were measured every day with a goniometer. Results: 6th item of NIHSS score improved by -0.76 (SD = 0.56) points in the device group (p < 0.001) compared to the baseline values; the mean change in the manual group was -0.33 (SD = 0.62) points (p = 0.055). The mean of MAS decreased significantly by -0.53 (SD = 1.12) point in the device group (p < 0.001). The ankle’s mean plantar flexion PROM increased by 3.41 (SD = 5.19) degrees in the device group (p < 0.001). Significant improvement of the mean dorsiflexion in the PROM of the ankle was also detected (p = 0.019). The equinovalgus improved significantly by -5.12 (SD = 8.02) degrees (p < 0.001) in the device group. The scores of the mRS also improved significantly in the device group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: In the early phase of rehabilitation, ankle-foot continuous passive motion device treatment combined with manual therapy improved the ankle’s PROM better than manual therapy alone; in addition, device treatment decreased the foot’s equinovalgus, improved the 6th item NIHSS score, and decreased the severity of spasticity.
Revistas científicas argentinas de acceso abierto y circulación internacional. Un análisis desde la teoría de los campos de Pierre Bourdieu
Viviana Martinovich
- , 2019,
Abstract: Este trabajo analiza el modelo de acceso abierto implementado por las revistas científicas argentinas de circulación internacional, desde la teoría de los campos de Pierre Bourdieu. Para ello, se reconstruyó el conjunto de revistas científicas argentinas vigentes en abril de 2015, disponibles en Latindex Catálogo, el Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas y en los servicios de indización DOAJ, Redalyc, Dialnet, SciELO Argentina, Scopus y Web of Science Core Collection y se aplicaron criterios elaborados ad hoc para establecer el subconjunto de revistas de acceso abierto y de circulación internacional. El modelo de acceso abierto implementado correspondía a la gradación más alta: apertura y gratuidad para los lectores, sin embargos temporales, sin cobro a los autores y sin retención de derechos de reproducción. Si bien el modelo es altamente inclusivo, la baja participación del campo económico en el entorno productivo científico-editorial se traduce en la falta de financiamiento de las revistas y en la exclusión del campo editorial. Cambiar el escenario actual requeriría no solo dependencias estatales que reconozcan la existencia del problema, sino grupos que se constituyan en actores sociales y que logren integrar e interpelar las diversas dimensiones del problema para poder disputar los recursos y las acciones políticas necesarias para abordarlo
Magnetic anisotropy and chirality of frustrated Cr nanostructures on Au(111)
László Balogh,László Udvardi,László Szunyogh
Physics , 2014, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/26/43/436001
Abstract: By using a fully relativistic embedded cluster Green's function technique we investigated the magnetic anisotropy properties of four different compact Cr trimers (equilateral triangles) and Cr mono-layers deposited on Au(111) surface in both fcc and hcp stackings. For all trimers the magnetic ground state was found a frustrated 120$^\circ$ N\'eel configuration. Applying global spin rotations to the magnetic ground state, the predictions of an appropriate second order spin Hamiltonian were reproduced with high accuracy by the first principles calculations. For the Cr trimers with adjacent Au atoms in similar geometry we obtained similar values for the in-plane and out-of-plane anisotropy parameters, however, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions appeared to differ remarkably. For two kinds of trimers we found an unconventional magnetic ground state showing 90$^\circ$ in-the-plane rotation with respect to the high symmetry directions. Due to higher symmetry, the in-plane anisotropy term was missing for the mono-layers and distinctly different DM interactions were obtained for the different stackings. The chiral degeneracy of the N\'eel configurations was lifted by less then 2 meV for the trimers, while this value raised up to about 15 meV per 3 Cr atoms for the hcp packed mono-layer.
Local order and orientational correlations in liquid and crystalline phases of carbon tetrabromide from neutron powder diffraction measurements
László Temleitner,László Pusztai
Physics , 2010, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.134101
Abstract: The liquid, plastic crystalline and ordered crystalline phases of CBr$_4$ were studied using neutron powder diffraction. The measured total scattering differential cross-sections were modelled by Reverse Monte Carlo simulation techniques (RMC++ and RMCPOW). Following successful simulations, the single crystal diffraction pattern of the plastic phase, as well as partial radial distribution functions and orientational correlations for all the three phases have been calculated from the atomic coordinates ('particle configurations'). The single crystal pattern, calculated from a configuration that had been obtained from modelling the powder pattern, shows identical behavior to the recent single crystal data of Folmer et al. (Phys. Rev. {\bf B77}, 144205 (2008)). The BrBr partial radial distribution functions of the liquid and plastic crystalline phases are almost the same, while CC correlations clearly display long range ordering in the latter phase. Orientational correlations also suggest strong similarities between liquid and plastic crystalline phases, whereas the monoclinic phase behaves very differently. Orientations of the molecules are distinct in the ordered phase, whereas in the plastic crystal their distribution seems to be isotropic.
V473 Lyrae, a unique second-overtone Cepheid with two modulation cycles
László Molnár,László Szabados
Physics , 2014, DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stu1091
Abstract: V473 Lyrae is the only Galactic Cepheid with confirmed periodic amplitude and phase variations similar to the Blazhko effect observed in RR Lyrae stars. We collected all available photometric data and some radial velocity measurements to investigate the nature of the modulation. The comparison of the photometric and radial velocity amplitudes confirmed that the star pulsates in the second overtone. The extensive data set, spanning more than 40 years, allowed us to detect a secondary modulation cycle with a period of approximately 5300 days or 14.5 years. The secondary variations can be detected in the period of the primary modulation, as well. Phenomenologically, the light variations are analogous to the Blazhko effect. To find a physical link, we calculated linear hydrodynamic models to search for potential mode resonances that could drive the modulation and found two viable half-integer (n:2) and three n:4 resonances between the second overtone and other modes. If any of these resonances will be confirmed by non-linear models, it may confirm the mode resonance model, a common mechanism that can drive modulations both in RR Lyrae and Cepheid stars.
The origin of diffuse scattering in crystalline carbon tetraiodide
László Temleitner,László Pusztai
Physics , 2013, DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/45/454209
Abstract: Total scattering neutron powder diffraction measurements were performed on the tetragonal phase (a=6.4202(5) {\AA}, c=9.5762(12) {\AA}) of $CI_4$. The experiments were followed by Reverse Monte Carlo (for POWder diffraction (RMCPOW)) modeling. Detailed analyses of the resulting particle configurations revealed that the observed diffuse scattering originates from the libration of the molecules. By examining the partial radial distribution functions a distinct carbon-iodine peak at 4.5 {\AA} is found, which appears as a consequence of corner-to-face mutual alignment of two molecules. The occurrence of edge-to-edge alignments is also significant within the first carbon-carbon coordination shell.
Coincidences in numbers of graph vertices corresponding to regular planar hyperbolic mosaics
László Németh,László Szalay
Mathematics , 2015,
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to determine the elements which are in two pairs of sequences linked to the regular mosaics $\{4,5\}$ and $\{p,q\}$ on the hyperbolic plane. The problem leads to the solution of diophantine equations of certain types.
Rigorous Biogenetic Network for a Group of Indole Alkaloids Derived from Strictosidine
László F. Szabó
Molecules , 2008, DOI: 10.3390/molecules13081875
Abstract: Strictosidine, the precursor of more than 2,500 indole alkaloids, was isolated from four species of three plant families. By searching the Dictionary of Natural Products on DVD it was found that about 150 indole alkaloids were obtained from the same species (coalkaloids), which is a direct proof of their common origin. On the base of their threedimensional structure, taxonomic properties and standard reaction mechanisms an extended network was established which involved the four fundamental skeletons, the three types of carbon framework in the secologanin subunit and all major groups of indole alkaloids derived from secologanin and tryptamine (except a few minor groups, in which only less then 10 alkaloids were known). The system was extended to the heterodimer indole alkaloids and the quinoindole alkaloids as well.
Patterns of co-speciation and host switching in primate malaria parasites
László Garamszegi
Malaria Journal , 2009, DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-8-110
Abstract: Here phylogenetic approaches have been used to discriminate statistically between events due to co-divergence, duplication, extinction and host switches that can potentially cause historical association between Plasmodium parasites and their primate hosts. A Bayesian reconstruction of parasite phylogeny based on genetic information for six genes served as basis for the analyses, which could account for uncertainties about the evolutionary hypotheses of malaria parasites.Related lineages of primate-infective Plasmodium tend to infect hosts within the same taxonomic family. Different analyses testing for congruence between host and parasite phylogenies unanimously revealed a significant association between the corresponding evolutionary trees. The most important factor that resulted in this association was host switching, but depending on the parasite phylogeny considered, co-speciation and duplication may have also played some additional role. Sorting seemed to be a relatively infrequent event, and can occur only under extreme co-evolutionary scenarios. The concordance between host and parasite phylogenies is heterogeneous: while the evolution of some malaria pathogens is strongly dependent on the phylogenetic history of their primate hosts, the congruent evolution is less emphasized for other parasite lineages (e.g. for human malaria parasites). Estimation of ancestral states of host use along the phylogenetic tree of parasites revealed that lateral transfers across distantly related hosts were likely to occur in several cases. Parasites cannot infect all available hosts, and they should preferentially infect hosts that provide a similar environment for reproduction. Marginally significant evidence suggested that there might be a consistent variation within host ranges in terms of physiology.The evolution of primate malarias is constrained by the phylogenetic associations of their hosts. Some parasites can preserve a great flexibility to infect hosts across a large

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